Sheep Manure

Sheep manure is one of the most versatile manures you can use. It can be used around native plants, vegetable gardens, just about anywhere.

$12 per 85L bag
Buy any 10 bags pick another bag free!

Assuming a bare garden bed, a bag of sheep manure will cover about 3 to 3.5 square metres at 20mm thickness.

Cow Manure

 Cow manure is high in organic material and is perfect for composting and more acidic plants.

$10 per 30L bag
Buy any 10 bags pick another bag free!

Assuming a bare garden bed, a bag of cow manure will cover about 2 square metres10

Chicken Manure

 When it comes to fertilizers for vegetable gardens there is nothing better than chicken manure.

$10 per 25L bag
Buy any 10 bags pick another bag free!

Assuming a bare garden bed, a bag of chicken manure will cover about 2 square metres.

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